Thursday, December 15, 2011

Step I - Friendship

Step II - Be her best friend. 

Step III - Build a story

Step IV - Whatever you are doing, You are doing great. 

Step V - Check where you stand

Step VI - It is Cool. 

Step VII - Ask her the question / Confuse her

Step VIII - Be patient

Now that you have come to this stage, you have to realize that you are not the only one trying to get this chick on your side, there are others too, for example: Her boyfriend. Yes, he is the biggest provider in your case. What are the common things in every couple? 
- Arguments. 
- Things they don't like about each other. 
- Fights. 
- Egos clashing. 

When you are certain of so many powerful things that are bound to happen, you just stand back and wait for them to happen. What do you do? 
Whenever she will have a fight, it is your moment. You never patch them up, you never set them apart, don't do that, breaking off a relationship isn't that simple. What you do is magnify the little things by talking too much about them. You talk to her about why they fought? She wouldn't want to talk about it, but never leave it to that. You have to take it out of her. When she does, she won't stop, and all you have to do is listen. Now the following results could be any - suppression, difference in their ideas, ideologies, lifestyle, friends, behavior, talking style... anything. The basic result is compromise. All you have to say to no matter what her problem is - 
"That is called compromising. You are compromising in this relationship and that's it. You can get back with him in a second, just compromise. I thought you were one strong personality", and make the most disgusting face. Don't say anything over that. 

Step IX - (optional) - Target her other female friends. 
The best thing for you to do would be make them your 'cute little sisters'. Treat them like they are the most adorable things around, all of them. This way, they adore you like anything, and there is no chance you might have a possibility of anyone amongst them falling for you. The biggest patching up agents are mostly a girl's female friends. If you have them on your side, you can manipulate them like puppets. This is the moment when you tell them that you have fallen in love with her. Why now, why not earlier? There is a two big reasons for that, first, you don't ever want to show that your feelings have always been to woo her since the beginning; secondly, with time, you prove to everyday that you are a really good friend but you fell for her in the end, which was eventual and nobody would think of anything. 

Step X - Study her. 
This is the last and the most important step. In this, you study what her actions were after the fight, and what are the things she lack to break up with her boyfriend. To be honest, if you challenge the girl's ego, she would break up instantaneously without a thought to prove that she is not weak; but just in case if she doesn't, use her friends. And they have broken up, you remain the only contender in her life.