Thursday, December 15, 2011

Step I - Friendship

Step II - Be her best friend. 

Step III - Build a story

Step IV - Whatever you are doing, You are doing great. 

Step V - Check where you stand

Step VI - It is Cool. 

Step VII - Ask her the question / Confuse her

Step VIII - Be patient

Now that you have come to this stage, you have to realize that you are not the only one trying to get this chick on your side, there are others too, for example: Her boyfriend. Yes, he is the biggest provider in your case. What are the common things in every couple? 
- Arguments. 
- Things they don't like about each other. 
- Fights. 
- Egos clashing. 

When you are certain of so many powerful things that are bound to happen, you just stand back and wait for them to happen. What do you do? 
Whenever she will have a fight, it is your moment. You never patch them up, you never set them apart, don't do that, breaking off a relationship isn't that simple. What you do is magnify the little things by talking too much about them. You talk to her about why they fought? She wouldn't want to talk about it, but never leave it to that. You have to take it out of her. When she does, she won't stop, and all you have to do is listen. Now the following results could be any - suppression, difference in their ideas, ideologies, lifestyle, friends, behavior, talking style... anything. The basic result is compromise. All you have to say to no matter what her problem is - 
"That is called compromising. You are compromising in this relationship and that's it. You can get back with him in a second, just compromise. I thought you were one strong personality", and make the most disgusting face. Don't say anything over that. 

Step IX - (optional) - Target her other female friends. 
The best thing for you to do would be make them your 'cute little sisters'. Treat them like they are the most adorable things around, all of them. This way, they adore you like anything, and there is no chance you might have a possibility of anyone amongst them falling for you. The biggest patching up agents are mostly a girl's female friends. If you have them on your side, you can manipulate them like puppets. This is the moment when you tell them that you have fallen in love with her. Why now, why not earlier? There is a two big reasons for that, first, you don't ever want to show that your feelings have always been to woo her since the beginning; secondly, with time, you prove to everyday that you are a really good friend but you fell for her in the end, which was eventual and nobody would think of anything. 

Step X - Study her. 
This is the last and the most important step. In this, you study what her actions were after the fight, and what are the things she lack to break up with her boyfriend. To be honest, if you challenge the girl's ego, she would break up instantaneously without a thought to prove that she is not weak; but just in case if she doesn't, use her friends. And they have broken up, you remain the only contender in her life.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

How to get a girl by chatting with her!

There are already many posts on how to get a girl on Facebook? How to get a girl online? What to message a girl?
If you chat with a girl daily, or occasionally, how do you attract her? Online dating depends on the following things:

1) Your profile.
Suppose you are in a social networking site, the profile is a very important feature. It is actually equivalent to 'the first impression' scenario. Whatever a girl sees in your profile, builds your first impression in her eyes. So how should your profile look like:
- Don't leave it blank because you don't want to put nonsense in it or you don't have anything to put.
75% of guys leave their profiles absolutely blank because they have nothing to put. By doing this you are actually telling a girl how much disinterested a person you could come out to be - you either are very boring or too cocky.

- Don't fill your profile if you are really lame.
A profile less interesting to a girl is a direct turn off. She'd never even bother to talk to you. Maximum number of guys live in the illusion that they are really cool, or what they have written is very hip and hypnotizing. But don't fall into that bubble. Every girl has a standard in her mind, she'd only talk to you if you come above it or on it.

- Don't fill your profile with too much intellectual stuff.
Now this seems really good an idea, but it often scare chicks off. Intellect is a very good thing, but keep it as a card for the future. Your profile should be moderate with and a mixture of intellectual display and wit.

- If you have no ideas, copy someone's profile.
This might sound really cheap, but do anything to earn the first impression. Don't copy it from someone you know, Internet has a very wide variety of users, just copy it from someone who'd never find about it, and even if he does, it's not a big deal - you both just happen to have the same interests.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

They are not in a relationship yet but love each other. How do I woo the Girl?

You have already climbed the first step, which is being her friend. Now because you are a mutual friend, you have the authority to influence both of them. The first thing I hope you are ready to do is cut him off the game, after knowing that he is in love with the girl too, there is only one guy who can win. Also, by knowing that she likes him too, your chance of wooing her lessens a lot. Here are the following things you can do:

1) Be her best friend.
Why? You have to be the one who can fill her ears against the guy she likes. You don't want to rely on any of her friends on this particular act.

2) Get a good friend of yours, and tell him to make the girl his sister.
Girls love having guys not hitting on them and mingle quickly with the ones who give out a vibe of security. What you need in order to win this game is to have power over her; and to do that you need more people around her to be on your side. It's better to have someone put the idea in her mind that you are a great option for a boyfriend.

3) Tempt the guy.
If he is into her too, then it wouldn't be long when he goes and tells her. Get him against this love - thing. Tell him that it's of no use and relationships are super lame and creepy; that he should get the idea of wooing her out of his head and possibly chase some other girl who he is not romantically linked with. Give him options of girls he should woo.

4) Destroy the guy's chances of wooing her.
If he doesn't understand and still wants to woo her, then you'll have to take some steps in order to destroy his image in the eyes of the girl. You can do the following things:
- Dig in his past, and find any of the mistakes he had committed related to a girl, or anything embarrassing. Remember that you have to totally destroy his image.
- If he has an ex-girlfriend, pick their story and twist it a little bit and present it in front of the girl. If his ex-girlfriend hates him, just get her on a call with the girl.
- If the above doesn't work, get rumours about him being gay or how he was found naked in a party or how he got arrested once because of stealing; you improvise.
- If the above doesn't work, get rumours that he wants to woo you (the girl), but is not at all serious; only wants to play around.
- Have a party, get the guy extremely drunk, click some pictures and show the girl that how much he drinks and reflect all the negativity out of it. You can improvise.
- If you have a female friend who can help, tell her to flirt with him; if he gives a response, you use it against him.
- Improvise more methods.

5) After once you have destroyed his chance, you can easily play your game and woo her.

My girlfriend is young and impulsive. How do I control her?

You have to understand a few things before you take on to some approach on how to solve this problem. As you have mentioned she is young and very impulsive, many a thing done in impulse are not conscious choices of a person; for example, like you have said that she tends to say that she wants to break up and later apologize about it.
The problem is not how to control her, the problem is how you control yourself and how much these impulsive statements of her affect you!
I'll take all your problems and solve them for you, your first problem is she fights too much.
Generally, every guy:
- tries to reason with his girlfriend
- Apologizes
- wastes his precious time in explaining to her what it really meant, and why she shouldn't fight about it, and how much pure the bond is as a couple, and blahblah!
- fights back and both have long-lasting verbal battles.

What you should do is:

If she has a valid point; if you have really committed a mistake which you know of, and were prepared to face this call, then listen to her and kindly apologize.
But if she has misunderstood something, or is wrong at her part:

Just close your mouth, and listen as closely as you can. Let her complete the entire thing, so you can carefully choose your points, and understand what she actually wants to say separating it from her blahblah (talks which show how disappointed she is/ how much embarrassed she was/ how much angry she is). When you would do that, you'll realize that she took 15 minutes to complete what could have just taken one sentence to be said.

2) Don't ever clash.
Break-ups happen only when two parties clash, but they would never happen, if only she is angry, and you are not. Guys think they cannot reason with girls, but that is absolutely wrong. You just do it in the wrong timing. Don't clash just immediately contradicting her statement because she went out of line, or what she said was not at all true. Control yourself. Let her finish, and keep nodding as if you are attentively listening to whatever she is saying - which also you are.
3) Once she is over, take the points down.
Once she is over complaining or whining. Your sentence should start with: So what you meant to say is, you have the following problems, (and one by one, in points, list down all the problems from her words). When you will do that, she'd be confused. The basic reasons behind this:
- She had never actually formed her points, before she came spilling out of her mouth.
- She never expected this, all she expected was winning and you shamefully apologizing.

4) Once she is confused, gradually put her down.
This would give you enough confidence, time and points to easily put her down in front of you and show how idiotic her whining was. The conclusion would be that out of 100 %, only 20 % of what she complained about was true and plausible. You can show this to her and lecture her on how she should behave the next time she has any problem. Tell her that she needs to first think from your point of view.

Now, this is a great way of showing how you can control things, and gradually such a habit can make you win every fight. You win fights not because you are smart, but because you kept your calm and didn't become all chaotic. Talking about manners and proper way of communication is a sign of dignity and respect.

Monday, November 21, 2011

love is in the air How to attract Her

What does a younger girl need?
Reading from the post - What do girls want!, we derive that girls below 18, look for the idea of love. They crave for attention, and look for guys with something extraordinary going on with them.
Things you should do and not do:

- Stop treating them like kids. Treat her equally.

If you want to woo her, give her the proper space and respect she demands; and if it isn't your heart, get it in your mind because that is the only way you will climb the first stairs. Now this doesn't mean don't advise her or suggest her stuff. Of course she knows that you are older to her. But the point is, share it from the point of view of your experiences rather than your wisdom you have acquired throughout your time in this world.

- Indirectly show her that it is cool to have relationships with such broad age difference.

You can take the example of Keats (the famous English Poet) and his wife Fanny Brawne. He fell in love with her when he was 22 or 23, and wrote her lover letters when she was just 14 or 15. And later, they even got married, though unfortunately Keats died at the age of 25 (leave that part).

- If she is juvenile, then of course she is gullible.

Use the gifts of your experience as much as you can, and understand one fact - She strongly believes in True love and Pure Love. Show her that, you will have her in your life faster than anything.

- Don't hesitate in showing all your aces.

Women at a certain age, get really choosy, and accomplishments of sorts matter. For example: some women may not find you being a lead guitarist irresistibly charming, but would prefer bar-tending a sport much dexterous in skill. What I mean is, with a younger girl, with an inexperienced girl, any achievement is a victory.
You can even blab about your recent success in the office game; just keep portraying through examples that you are a winner.

-Always have topics.

If she is younger, she is definitely to have other male contenders of her age, who would mind your interruption in their game. So, in a sort, it does become a fight of certain age-groups, and you have to win it. The advantage is, they will always be kids/ punks in front of your eyes. So they won't scare you. All you need to make sure is, you are entertaining enough;. if you score on that, the girl is on your side, and they lose.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

the emotions

Step I - Target her emotions

Guy: Can I tell you something? Honestly?
(when you put the word 'honestly' anywhere in your grumbling, it translates from complaint to confession. So be polite and use 'Honestly')
Girl: Sure/ yeah?
Guy: I feel so ashamed of saying this, I mean I am so sorry. I don't even know how to say this!
(Put the blame on yourself, as if you are damaged so that she feels it as her responsibility to fix you)

Girl: What is it/ Just say it / What has happened?
Guy: It's not about me. it's about you. Lately I have started to feel so angry and jealous of ______ (guy's name). And I know it's stupid and wrong but I am not complaining, I am just pouring my heart out in front of you, because I don't want to keep it inside of me, and I can't live without you.
Girl: (she will try to explain) Listen it's nothing/ we are just friends/ blah blah!
Guy: I know all of this, like I said I am not complaining. I know I am being so narrow- minded by saying all of this. It's so embarrassing, but I am only speaking the truth. I hate myself, I am so uncool. You know, I get so jealous sometimes that I just want to break his head. I can't believe I am so possessive of you, I am so sorry. I am so uncool!
(emphasize on two things excessively: being uncool & jealous/ possessive. And soon you'll notice she will find you being so possessive extremely cute & romantic; and correct you that you are not uncool.)
Girl: No you are not. Shut-up! And I love it that you are possessive of me, you should be!
(Keep going on with the being uncool and 'I hate myself' thing for a little while longer. By this time she'd have totally forgotten her 'self' and would be completely devoted to make you fine)

Step II - She is hell emotional and romantic now. Get your guns out! (nah! not that)

(if you'd notice, the girl has accepted your being possessive/ jealous about her friend, which she would have angrily responded to had you talked to her in a complaining or an angry tone)

Guy: Can I ask you for something, If you don't mind?
Girl: Sure, anything.
Guy: I don't know how to say this, but can you please don't talk to him that much?
(adding that much is very important, as girls are not good at ignoring people, they either are very good friends, or in the effort to be moderate friends, screw it up. If you say Please don't talk to him, It might sound unpleasant to the girl as girls are very bad at ending friendships and don't generally do that. So stick to adding that much for sure)
Baby, I know it's stupid, and I am being totally selfish by saying this, but I have to be. I can't concentrate on my work, which will eventually lead to us being together (show her a future, that will make her emotionally inclined towards you), but if I don't work, my state of mind is gone. And in this confusion I don't ever want to blame you or be angry with you, I hope you understand. I don't ever want us to fight because of some third person (alienate him, and from now on, use us instead of me). Please baby, can you do this, for us? Please?

By the time you have pulled off the 21st century speech, you can have a girl do anything you want. This particular script was for removing a possible guy threat.

My ex-girlfriend is committed and wants me to move on, how do I get her back?

You have mentioned that your Girlfriend is worried about your emotions, that she doesn't like to see you sad or troubled. And also she has a boyfriend now, whom she likes a lot.
Your solution is easy. The first step is: stop projecting the pain on yourself.
The thing is, you think that you are the only victim. But if you must try to think, the girl is the victim in this too, and also everyone who is related to her romantically. Your victory lies in every fight they have. And how do you do that?

- You tell your ex that the only thing you can't let go of is her friendship.
Believe it or not, a girl cannot hurt you unless it's triggered indirectly by her boyfriend. And as you have mentioned she cares about you. Use that opportunity and don't not lose the position that you have in her life right now. It doesn't matter how close or important it is, maybe it's very little but it is always better than nothing.

- Because she cares about you, her boyfriend would not like you.
If her boyfriend doesn't like you, that will create problems between them. That is why I suggest, don't be demanding. Don't be demanding at all that could become a reason for her to break the friendship with you. If that happens, it is totally your fault and not her boyfriend's decision - that is later.

- Control yourself as much as you can. Be cool.
Give her the idea that you still love her and are not demanding - of course it's nonsense, but that gives you a very long ticket to stay in the game. Take control of your game and think from your head. Always remember: Patience is God.

- Patience
Like I said earlier, please understand this one thing: not everything just happens by a speech or a performance, or any sort of gimmick. Some might, but most need the perfect timings. She's not a toy or an animal that you can play with or turn around in a second, she's a human being and to turn her mind would need influencing her, getting her on your side, in conflict with her boyfriend; and all of that cannot happen overnight, and definitely not by crying or begging.

The girl is very flirty, how do I make her serious for me?

Since she is flirty, all the benefits that you enjoy being her friend, and something more are useless. You want her to be in a serious relationship with you, but you can't because you don't want to risk the following things:

- Your friendship
If she feels repelled from you are offering, she might start to ignore you as she'd always get new guys.
- Your benefits.
- It's basically whatever you think you have.

All the time you enjoy with her, you don't want to risk it by taking it one step further. But that's a fear that every man has.

How to make a girl who flirts around with guys serious for you?

There are three ways of that happening:
1) Time: With time, as she might realize one day that all of this has lead to nothing, and she should have settled with one guy and blahblahblah. That would be one moment, but you can't wait for that as there is no fixed date when it would happen.
2) Cause: If by any means she finds a cause to be in a relationship, is another way. It comprises of experiences, friendship, what goes in her life. She might get inspired from anything, from something as simple as looking at a friend's life. You can work on this gradually as a friend, through movies, through your talks, show her the true side of life. There is much of literature on True love. Make her read that. Be a good talker, inspire her. Bring a change in someone for good isn't that tough.

3) Restriction:
The third way is what mommy and daddy do: impose restrictions. This method applies if only it's too late.

So, what do you do when you have nothing in your power!
- You take the side of evil planning, and silently contact the people who are still in power to influence her and think good of her.
- Don't reach out to them directly, pick some indirect method to let them know about her recently- acquired habits of Alcohol and stuff. (make stuff up or if you have true stuff, good for you)
- They will take action.
- The stronger the action, the better it is for you.
- When the resulted action had taken place, contact her through any source, which you can because you know this was going to happen.
- She will read your letters/ messages/ whatever because that's the only thing she'll be left with at that moment.
- Out of misplaced anger, She'd want to be with you as you are the only one showering true love upon her.

If you have any relationship/ dating problem, post HERE

Please post your comments if you agree to the views or want to add some amendments to my solution.

She is my best friend, does that mean she is in love with me?

First of all, if you were good friends with her, you should have wooed her a long time ago.
Read the post:

How to woo a friend by confusing her.

Your mistakes were:
- You are too much protective of your image.
- You want to show yourself as someone you are not.
- You are too scared to take a chance.

This are the reasons why you didn't ask her number but talked to her on Skype day and night; why you are best friend but still never bothered to ask about her past relationship, even when you are curious; or you never tried to woo her yet loving her secretly.

Some conclusions that you and every guy-friend of a girl who wants to woo her should know:

1) The position of a friend is nothing.
I have said this before and now again: stop being proud of being her good friend. A position of a good friend is nothing in terms of wooing. If you want to woo her, then think of yourself as being one step less. But don't think about standing there and enjoying it as it's nearly over, and she would come running to you telling how much she loves you. That almost never happens.

2) Girls love guy-friends.
Women love to have males as good friends. It's a thing with them. But that is it, it doesn't have any corollary or epilogue that states that it also means that she is going to fall in love with you - that is what guys think. If you are her guy-friend, that is the only thing you are to her - nothing less, nothing more. That is why, don't sit there or be happy.

3) Being a good friend is step 3. Take step 4 asap.
You don't want to be treated as a good friend forever, especially when your intentions are to be her boyfriend. She is not going to do anything about it, in-fact she hasn't even thought about that. And that is when a guy comes from no-where and sweeps her away in just three days; and you wonder what went wrong?

What went wrong was:
- She never saw you as anything more than a friend.
Note: If her boyfriend doesn't like you, he can get you out of the game in a second, because always remeber: he is her boyfriend, you are not.
Therefore, a good friend is nothing unless her boyfriend approves. (this is largely based on the girl, and also the influence her boyfriend has on her)

My girlfriend ignores me, but says she loves me. What does that mean?

What do you do or what will you do if you don't have the strength to break up?
You'll ignore the person yet won't accept that you don't love her/ him anymore. Some people have the tendency not to be the bad guy at all - especially girls. They can't take the guilt, or the fact that they were cheating on some guy or were the one who crushed his life.
The rules are, as I have already mentioned before:

1) Follow your instincts.
Don't think it's nothing. Don't think that anything unusual you feel is cool, if ever you get an idea she is lying about something but because you love her more than anything, you let it go. Don't.
Your instincts are never wrong, and if you feel ignored, that means she is trying really hard to actually make you notice that. Because in all that love, you tend to ignore all the light things.

2) She can't take the guilt
Like I have said, girls don't want to be the bad person. So she can't just come to your face and tell you that she wants to leave you. And of course all the talks, all the pretending is making her sick. Now the reasons why a girl might do this are:
- She is dating someone else.
- She has found someone whom she wants to date.
- She is simply waiting for you to say 'This isn't working anymore' someday.
- She is waiting for you to commit a mistake out of frustration, the day she'll blow the lid.

3) What you should do?
If you want to play, play the game, do what she exactly doesn't expect from you to do
- keep on being the nice boyfriend.
- Talk to her friends, be cool to them.
- Don't plan a meeting, but surprise her with a present and take her to lunch or dinner.
- When you surprisingly meet, don't forget to check her cell-phone - the call register, messages, etc.
- If you find something which is evident enough of she cheating on you, then stand-up like a gentleman, say that you could have told me like an honest human being rather than being a _____ (choose a name), and leave like a gentleman.

If you pull this off, you'll win the break-up straight away. Trust me, there won't be any guilt, or any want to get her back as you'll be so satisfied with your performance. Give it sometime, she'll come crawling back to you.

We broke up, and now she is with another guy. How do I get her back?

(Solution to a dating problem by

As you have mentioned in the problem that you lied, because of which your break-up happened. Now there are following things you can do, considering that there are things in life sometimes close to the impossible:

- Be her friend, and start all over again.
That is one way, but as far as I know if she is already in relationship with another guy, after getting hurt by a lie from her previous relationship, she'd be pretty much committed to him, and listen to him instead of forgiving you and letting you in her life again. So that depends on chance, because no boyfriend likes her girlfriend's ex-boyfriend to be her friend.

- It depends on how her boyfriend is like
If he really loves her, and she loves him too. Then there is very little scope for you.

- See if by any means, you can break them up.
-- Check for his history.
-- Check for mutual friends who can do something.
-- Check for his ex-girlfriends.
-- Look for mistakes he had committed in the past.
-- Look if there are any lies he had told her.

To be honest, breaking up a couple is not that tough a thing. All you need is the right words. But that is totally dependent on who is at the other side. Because if he is a bigger player than you, then you won't stand a chance.

- If you can't do anything, then just leave it. Don't ruin your last hope.
A girl always calls. It might take time, but with a girl life is like a circle, she is never past things, one day will come when would definitely call you, but you need to maintain a reputation till then.
If you constantly nag or trouble her, you are destroying chances of your future. Don't irritate so much that even the thought of you disgusts her. Maximum guys, after their break-up, do that. It is not taking you anywhere except the girl farther away from you

Thursday, November 17, 2011

I used to be friends with her, but then stopped talking. How do I get her?

(Relationship problem by

So, How can you be friends with her again?

1) Search for her on Social Networking sites.
Adding her there causes no harm, and the soul purpose of social networking sites is to find lost friends. And since you were old little buddies at some time, it totally won't be weird.

2) Make it look like an accident.
Know where she works, or which college she goes to, or any given place that gives an appropriate amount of time to bump into her, and also have a long chat.

3) Don't save her from sharks, or meth addicts.
This isn't the winning the girl's trust thing, so no heroism is required. It should be as simple as you can make it.

4) Work on your script.
Bumping is easy, but the talking should be very effective that it leads you to somewhere. This is the most important part.

Boy - Hey, do you mind if I walk you to ...that direction where you seem to go!
Girl- yeah sure!
Boy: So, what are you doing?
Girl: Blablah, you?
(Now I don't know anything about you, or what your age is, so whatever you say, say something big - the possible big. Something that makes you cooler than guys of your age, something additional than what everyone is doing.)
Or Use the sympathy clause-
Boy: Right now, I am really disturbed because of something. My best friend's brother passed away in a car accident, and I knew him so well. All day I think about how can I make him feel better, to bring just one second of pause to all that grief. I am sorry, I am burdening you with all this stuff.
Or be confidently forward -
Boy: I'll tell you all about it at 5 in the evening. There's a brilliant cafe/ whatever there is (you decide)... and I'll see you there.
Girl: She'll hesitate and make some excuse.
Boy: No, you are coming. Do you know how many people there are in this world? 7 billion. If you don't want to care about people, then don't care about the ones you don't know. And don't worry, it's not some romantic re-union, just want to catch up, gentlemen style!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I love a Girl in college, but she doesn't notice me.

If a girl is quite popular and it is impossible for you to talk to her, you can do something like:
- You can create some sort of story/ joke about her, based on faulty assumptions and details (self made-up), and make the story reach to her stamped by your name on it.
- The rumors/ story/ joke shouldn’t be obscene, vulgar or hurting. Do not pick her character, as it is the most fickle and risky area and might seriously tick a girl off. If you are searching for something to pick on her, there is her dressing sense, way she talks, gestures, hairdo, her name (be creative).

-Let’s assume that you selected her dressing sense for the joke and came up with something really funny. She’d hear about it and the fact that it came from you; she’d come to you, shout a little bit but you keep quiet; remember it is all part of your plan.
- Last step, you would go to her and use the primary weapon: a beautiful apology. You use only words; don’t plan into making a card or buying a gift, and remember it should be so bold and affecting that would make her forget about everything and forgive you.
Guess what, you just got the college’s most popular girl talking to you! This was just one trick, if you start to think you can come up with thousands of such tricks. All you need to be is smart and confident.

- You are a victim of the common perspective that many guys hold, that a popular girl is hard to woo or is impossible to woo. Because of her outward qualities, guys make themselves inferior and don't take actions.
Some very common attributes of popular chicks amongst guys are:
1) Because they know they are beautiful, they pay a lot of attention on how they look.
That meant:
-- They are a little dumb.
-- What you thought in the first place was wrong, she does care about you, why do you think she is dressing up?
2) They actually want popularity too.
-- which is the reason why they aren't careerists.
-- which explains they are easily woo-able because they are running after something that won't last for long.
-- because they cannot understand all of this, they are dumb.
3) They are always entangled in the most stupid/ idiotic/ trivial activities.

4) They love being in groups, having friends who classify them a little higher, and having many guy friends.
5) They love hanging out, partying, and doing all sorts of social stuff that is needed to keep their image alive,

Basically they are bimbos. Yes, most of the chicks who run after popularity or an image are bimbos. They fall for traps easily; all you have to have is a half-kilogram of brains applied onto a plan. But if you love her, you'll have to change yourself a little, and be a little extrovert.
How do you know she will say a yes or no?
It is very easy to find out with such chicks because as they have a certain standards to follow in everything, they apply a special sort of attention in figuring out what kind of guy they would like or not; and this very results can be viewed by observing her male friends. Notice what she likes in them:
- Many a time, it is the clothing and the guys are absolutely dumb. That would mean she is just into appearances, which means her life is hollow, and if you are in love with her, i'd suggest you to re-consider.
- Many a time there is a pattern, like many popular girls like to have smart guys around them, or geeks. That means she doesn't match people up with their appearances or social stratas.
You have to observe such patterns and you can easily find by comparing them to yourself, that if she would say a yes or No.
Exception: This entire post was NOT about girls who have achieved popularity because of their academic excellence or related. If that is the case, then you might have confused me by using the term 'popularity', because that is a wrong term. So watch it.