Monday, March 19, 2012

why couples break up

If we consider the history of the institution of marriage, all of us would agree that it started at the time of creation itself. Man and woman are different both biologically and in mental makeup. However, the creation would not continue if man and woman do not come together. The physical and emotional needs unite man and woman and marriages take place. Till the beginning of the twentieth century, joint families and lifetime single marriages were quite prevalent. Divorces were few and far in between. However, things started changing as more and more women took up careers and achieved financial independence. The dependence of women on men declined and even small disagreements were magnified to a large extent that they were considered to be impinging on the individuality. Let us consider the top 15 reasons why couples break up.

breaking up
  1. Desire to be independent.
  2. Getting attracted to another person.
  3. Infidelity.
  4. Physical incompatibility.
  5. Less attracted to the person in a sexual way.
  6. Lack of proper body maintenance, like becoming too fat.
  7. Conflict in tastes and desires.
  8. Continuous nagging.
  9. Comparing the man or woman to others constantly
  10. Imparting unsolicited advice all the time
  11. Addiction to alcohol or drugs
  12. Deterioration in the health of one spouse or suffering from incurable ailments like HIV
  13. Physical and mental abuse and exhibiting sadistic tendencies
  14. Ignoring or showing disrespect to friends and relatives of one spouse Impotency or inability to bear children.

The above reasons are all chief causes for a marriage breakup. Sometimes, one reason alone might be enough for separation, while in several cases, a combination of a few of them lead to divorce. In this list, getting attracted to another person and infidelity might appear similar, but there is one important difference between them. In the former, the man or the woman might become more interested in another person and might think of leading a life of marriage with that person as a better option to the current life. In this case, the decision for separation from the present spouse could be taken before a physical contact with the other person. On the other hand, infidelity is actual extra-marital relationship, which is a sure marriage breaker in several cases.

In certain marriages, when the man and woman become united without a physical relationship before the marriage, the physical incompatibility might become apparent when the marriage is consummated, leading to separation. Similarly, the impotency in man or the inability of the woman to bear a child either immediately after the marriage or after several years could result in a divorce. The reduction in physical desire after a few years had also been a cause for the breakup of the marriage. If the health of the man or the woman deteriorates sharply or if they contract incurable diseases like HIV, the marriage might fail. Even the neglect by a spouse of maintaining the physical fitness and becoming too fat or too weak could break a marriage.

Physical and mental abuse is another major reason for divorces. Sadistic tendencies in either spouse that lead to continuous physical or mental torture usually ends in parting of ways. Too much addiction to alcohol or drugs had also led to marriage failures in several cases. Too much nagging by a spouse, and this is usually done more by women than men, had resulted in marriage breakup very often. The other similar reasons are comparing the man or the woman with other persons continuously and hurting the sentiments or creating an inferiority complex could also lead to divorce.

Even imparting unwarranted and unsolicited advice too often is considered as interference in the individuality, leading to disagreements. A joke is there that the psychiatrist charges you for the same advice that the wife gives you free. Too much of anything could spoil even a good relationship. Similarly, conflict in tastes and interests that were ignored during courtship or were considered trivial, assume a bigger shape after marriage and lead to fights. If the man or the woman ignore or show disrespect to the friends and relations of the other, that results in misunderstanding and creates irritation. Slowly, the couple starts drifting apart in such circumstances and finally part ways totally.

Finally, the financial independence achieved by women had brought in a change in their attitude. They feel that their individuality must be respected and should not be interfered with. Their economic dependence on men is much less or non-existent compared to olden days when women stayed at home. Further, the separate careers result in men and women working in different places, thus increasing not only the physical distance but also the mental distance. This invariably leads to separation. All these causes, either singly or in combination, end up in the couple breaking up. However, an understanding approach and a give-and-take policy would avoid divorces, if both men and women take a more tolerant attitude.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Valentine's Day Gifts ,The Best Gifts For Your Valentine



 Valentine's Day Gifts The Best Gifts For Your Valentine

Valentine's Day Gifts

The Best Gifts For Your Valentine
Aries: (Mar 20 - Apr 19)
Sun glasses, sporting events, disco parties, music CDs, latest & fast computer games & gadgets are the likings of male Arians. Arian females will get attracted to colourful jewellery, especially earrings with Red stones & shiny make-up sets. A bunch of Red Roses with red & pink silk ribbons will attract her towards you. Tickets to music or theatre events will definitely attract Arians. They appreciate cool, trendy fashion accessories or handmade crafts.
Taurus: (Apr 19 - May 20)
Taurean males love chocolates and automobile stuff. They are also crazy about imported stuff. Baskets of exotic fruits, massage oils, big fluffy towels, organic sheets, silk dresses, perfumes, dessert cookbooks are some stuff that will impress a Taurean female.
Gemini: (May 20 - Jun 21)
Gemini males are blessed with excellent communication skills. Gift them the latest Mobile. They would also appreciate a good collection of motivational books, quotes & spiritual stuff to read. Gemini females are also fond of mobile phones & lovely messages - especially quotes from their partner. Soundtracks or "Best of" CDs, magazine subscription, I-pods are good gift options. More than gifts, your Gemini mate will appreciate the time that you spend with him or her. And if you are planning to get married, then there’s no better gift than a diamond ring for this special occasion.
Cancer: (Jun 21 - Jul 22)
Cancerian males believe in luck. Gift them lottery tickets, gift vouchers. They believe in quality; so gift them the best of gadgets. Household stuff like TV, Refrigerators, Microwave & Furnishing items are the first choice for Cancerian females. Think about a cosy night at home or in your favourite restaurant. Write a heartfelt poem and frame it. You can also gift a beautiful heart-shaped silver photo frame with the couple's photograph in it. Cakes, chocolates & Flowers could just be the cherries on the cake.
Leo: (Jul 22 - Aug 23)
Both Leo males & females love to freak out on Valentine’s Day. You can attract a Leo female by gifting her beautiful gold jewellery, chocolates & new clothes of her choice. Watch a romantic comedy on stage or on screen. Surprise them by decorating their room with a lot of balloons. Sometimes Leo males love to be gifted with a pet.
Virgo: (Aug 23 - Sep 22)
Health conscious Virgo males would appreciate a massage, a spa treatment, Gym equipments or a membership in a Gym. A Virgo female would love to be pampered by her partner. You may even plan a trip during this time. Check out a nearby wildlife refuge or a state park. Virgo Females also like rugs made out of natural fibres.
Libra: (Sep 22 - Oct 23)
Libran males are very fond of chocolates & books while Libran females are fond of delicate jewellery made out of Diamonds & Pearls. Enjoy a gourmet meal with your Libran mate. Gifts like wind chimes, a Martini set, elegant flowers like orchids or a leather-bound copy of their favourite book will be good options at this time.
Scorpio: (Oct 23 - Nov 22)
Scorpion males would appreciate perfumes, after-shaves, and colognes. You can make a Scorpion female smile by gifting her a bunch of mixed coloured flowers along with a greeting card. Plan a getaway to an undisclosed location. They also like romantic & mysterious novels.
Sagittarius: (Nov 22 - Dec 21)
Both Sagittarian males & females are fond of scented bath lotions, perfumes & soaps. They love spa treatments. You can plan an outing or go trekking on green mountains. You can attract a Sagittarian female by gifting Pink Candles. They are also fond of travelling on high speed trains and trail-riding on the beach. Do not forget to gift them coffee flavoured chocolates.
Capricorn: (Dec 21 - Jan 20)
Capricorns will appreciate a gift that you make yourself. Gifts like some baked stuff or cooked dishes would impress your Capricorn mate. The Capricorn male likes leather goods while the Capricorn female loves flowers and candles. Gift her a bunch of white and purple flowers and violet candles.
Aquarius: (Jan 20 - Feb 18)
Aquarian males like tech gadgets or a gift-pack of their all time favourite movies or music. They always like to keep the most advanced mobile handsets in their pocket while females are more inclined towards reading good books & magazines. They like traditional jewelleries, too. Metallic/blue gifts are lucky for them. They are very particular about time management. A watch would be an ideal gift.
Pisces: (Feb 18 - Mar 20)
Pisceans are really fond of the sea and a trip to the coast will make them really happy. Common household equipments, gadgets, furnishing items and spa treatments are some of the things that Pisceans like. A romantic poem will also please the Piscean female.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

The other guy is more good looking than me, how can I still woo her?

Now there are several methods of getting a girl you already are friends with, to fall in love with you.

Like you have said, she likes some other guy. The point is, does he like her too? Does he ever know about her love?

If yes, then it's a problem, but not the kind of problem with no solution. Of course there is a solution.
You have also told me that you are good friends with her. Well, that is a good point for you. Things you should do:

- Try to spend as much time with her as you can. Such a thing has many results:
-- You are becoming a routine in her life
-- Try to talk to her as much as you can. Even if you are not with her, try to stay connected through messages. Be funny, witty, everything works.
-- This might transform into a rumor that you both are seeing each other. It often happens that too close a friend is confused by people as something romantic. And in the race of wooing, you want that to happen with you. Let people tag her with you.

- Be her boss.
Girls love being advised by guys/ best friends on their relationships, the kind of guys they should date and stuff like that. If you become a good friend of hers, naturally you acquire a position in her life in which she would openly invite any suggestion or comment you are providing. If you are able to do that, which is very easy:
-- The guys who want to hit on her, would actually start approaching you, and you become her daddy.
-- She is dependent on you completely.
-- This makes the guy she is in love with very confused too.

- Destroy her crush
EVERYONE HAS GOT BAGGAGE. Just remember this phrase. What is baggage? It's the emotional stuff one carries with themselves from their past relationships. It is something you adjust with. All you need to do is find the guy's baggage, and open everything in front of her. Present it in a bad manner, even lie if you can. Make up stories, but remember they should be something she'd believe in and can never find out.

If you can follow these three steps. She's yours for sure.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

In this day and age, we are aware that many of our intimate relationships are struggling and are in jeopardy. Therefore, the age old saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” is equally relevant today as it was when the saying was originally coined.
According to Stats Canada, approximately 38 % of marriages in Canada end in divorce (over a thirty year period). What preventative measure can young couples apply to their relationships that will ensure their stability and longevity? are three common relationship deal breakers – Compromise, Competition and Complaints which all contribute to conflict in relationships. Unto themselves, these interactions all sound relatively positive. Let’s examine them more carefully in the context of intimate relationships.
  1. Compromise is essentially when two people settle for less than what they really want. For example, a couple decides that they would like to go out to a movie. The wife would really like to see a particular movie but learns that her husband has no interest in watching it. He suggests a movie which his wife has no interest in watching. In the name of compromise, they end up attending a third choice which neither really wants to view. Instead of compromising, the couple could use a more effective approach called negotiating which produces a win/win situation. The couple decides to attend the movie which the woman wants to see one week, and the following week, they go to the movie the husband wants to see.
  2. Competition is very much a part of our every day, capitalistic society. We all need to know how to compete in order to function in our society. People on a daily basis are competing for jobs, opportunities, recognition, etc.  However, competition within our intimate relationships can potentially wreak havoc between couples since the more competitive we are, the more self-centred we become. Competition emphasizes our goals and enhances our skills often to the detriment of our significant relationships. The opposite of competition is compassion. Compassion is the skill or ability to accurately experience the thoughts and feeling of another plus the desire to do whatever is necessary to help another in their time of distress. Many relationships would greatly benefit if there was simply more compassion between spouses.
  3. Complaints definitely lead to the deterioration of a relationship. The complaints may be true, but one must ask, “Are the complaints kind and necessary?” Listening to problems demoralizes us; where, talking about and applying solutions energizes us.
So what are those ounces of prevention we can apply to our relationships to ensure they remain stable and satisfying?
  1. Learn to negotiate.
  2. Be compassionate and listen to the thoughts and feelings of your loved ones.
  3. Rather than complain, become a problem-solver.

The steps are continued from How to steal a Girl from a relationship!
Stage I - Friendship
Obviously the bond between the two would be stronger than between you and her. So, her boyfriend can crush you anytime. 
Point- stay low profile
It all depends upon the image you keep
If your image is of a smart guy:
- A smart girl may not even mention about your existence to her boyfriend, and discuss with you pivotal stuff about her life and relationship. But in this case, the assumption is that her boyfriend is very dumb and you are very smart/ smarter than him. 
- But if she is dumb/ or her boyfriend is very smart; she will talk to him about you, and tell him everything as she is very loyal and discusses everything about the people she meets/ talks to. And in this conversation, if by mistake, you come out too strong, it will create a certain air of discomfort for her boyfriend about you. So that is our first problem. 

Always remember: Step I is a gradual process. 
Optional: You can keep a guy who is creating problems for her on the focus of her boyfriend. This way you maintain a goodwill in the eyes of her boyfriend, and totally change his focus too. Don't try to be a hero, keep away from all the troubles. 

Step II - Be her best friend. 
A guy never sees it, but the way to a girl's heart, the shortest way, is by telling/ showing/assuring her that you will never hit on her. And the sole cause you are talking to her is because she is the only person you have ever met in your life with such a pure heart (make her feel special by using the most overrated lines, yes she will buy them). 
Now if you'll observe from a distance the hottest chicks are always surrounded by a company of same looking, constantly blabbing, pompous women, giving out the effect that it is impossible to be friends with her. But all of them - kept individually - are the loneliest creatures, and that is the reason why they keep for falling for guys. 

step III - Build a story
Why don't you want to hit on her? 
Don't just leave it to 'Because I am a good guy'. Saying 'I am in  a relationship is safe', and later on you can break it off, and hit on her. But what's the best way to get her sympathy? 
A great emotional story; not like you belong to a vampire clan or something, but yeah movie type.  What guys generally have to offer is:
- I broke up and it was really tough on me. 
- We had been together for ___ months/ years, and she left me. 
Now, this is what she sees and hears tens times a day. It won't get you any real sympathy. Unless your story is something like:
- I left home at 15, because I wanted to do something on my own. I came to New York City with nothing in my hand but my violin. The first three years were the hardest, and back home I lost my Brother in Iraq, who was also my best friend. I have been alone since. 
- I loved her more than my life, (build the cutest story about how you met), and on my wedding, when she was on her way to the Church/ Venue/ whatever; she met with a Car accident and passed away. 
Why do you build a story? 
The story gets her strongly and emotionally attached to you that she'd even fight with her boyfriend but would never let you go. 

Step IV - Whatever you are doing, You are doing great. 
Don't for even a second get that you are a loser from the story above. Even though you are emotionally hungry, you are doing great in life. Why? 
Because a woman can never relate emotions with financial standards. Why? I have no clue. Let's say they are bad in mathematics. So don't ever show that you are unsuccessful/ living in someone else's couch, if you are, show her a very diplomatic reason for it. 

Step V - Check where you stand
Now you from here you have to understand by this time, some problems would naturally emerge in the mind of her boyfriend. But if you have come this far, you are very close to victory. How to check where she places you: 
- Call her in the night or anytime she is talking to her boyfriend on the phone, see if she picks your call over him or not. 
- Does she hang out with you more than what is normal? 
- Does she share with you everything that is going in the relationship? 
If the answer is negative, then improvise. You have to have the level of amusement she is demanding that will help you precede her boyfriend. Note: Do your homework. Don't try coming out all random and spontaneous, even the greatest players do their homework. 

Step VI - It is Cool. 
In this step, you start challenging the restrictions placed by her boyfriend. You don't openly say anything, for example: 
- If she says that her boyfriend is very liberal and lets her do anything she wants. 
You say: Do you know what that means? It means either he is not serious for you or he is seeing other girls at the same time, both ways - he is not serious for you. Just imagine male psyche for a second, do you think a guy who loves a girl like insanely, won't impose his possession or set limits? 
When you do that, although she may shout to prove that this isn't true, she would get confused. 
- If she says that her boyfriend doesn't allow her to do ______ (put anything), you simply give the most biggest expression of surprise and frown. 
You say: If he loves you truly, he'd accept you as you are, and if there was anything in you that had to be changed or compromised, then why don't I just call you his robot? 
Work both the ways, but put in her mutiny day by day. Don't be extreme because you don't want her to be mentioning your name in between of a fight with her boyfriend. 

Step VII - Ask her the question / Confuse her
Now is the time to ask her the big question - 
Do you really love him? Don't just say yes, remember the times you have been in love strongly and how it all ended one day, so clearly differentiate between love and final love, and then say - Do you think this guy is the guy of your life? 
Don't be bothered what the answer she gives. It doesn't matter. 
Give the answer yourself - "I don't think so. I know more than you know about yourself, and although you might claim this isn't true, it is. 
Start picking out the problems she has with him - "what about smoking/ what about not understanding you/ what's with his anger, god knows he might even hit you someday/ what's with him talking to girls is fine, and you talking guys is a crime/ ____ (fill yours). "
Ask her questions like - Tell me something, if you hadn't ever met him but met me instead, would you have fallen for me? And answer this logically. (act as if it's an intellectual question)

Monday, January 23, 2012

Me gonna steal ur girlfriend

How to woo a committed Girl!

There are a few things you have to understand and do:
- You have occupy a position of a good friend. But that is not easy with his boyfriend constantly knowing about your every step. So to engage her boyfriend, you have to find somebody as bait or a story that would make some other guy a target for him.

Reason: If you do this, his focus won’t be you, but some other guy.
- When you do this, you have to make her forget that you loved her or have feelings for her. Be a diplomat, nothing is even achieved by being righteous except the respect of other people who’d read about you 100 years later (I am going off topic). You have to occupy another space which is of her girlfriend. Yes, you have to be her girlfriend. Now, what is the most common thing in every couple? They fight! What is the most common thing about every man? He will make mistakes and upset her. You have to be there with her every time they fight because he has made a mistake.
- You are not her friend so you can patch them up, but what you have to always do is magnify his flaws- very slowly. You have a discussion, about everything she doesn’t like about him; you have more discussions about any insecurity in her mind.
Reason: By doing this you are not turning her against him, but making all these negative things so big, so that whenever they talk, all she does is notice them.
- When you are this close, her boyfriend will fight about your relationship which will indirectly change the status of both of you. It won’t be you or her, but he who will help both of you to be a couple. He will fight and tell her not to talk to you, but as she is so close to you now, she’d tell him that you are a good friend and he needs to trust her; they will engage into a fight during which all the things that you have spoken to her in detail (his flaws) will spill out of her mouth; yes, she is a woman, she won’t be able to control. And therefore, that would be the end of it- their relationship.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

How2woogirls!: Me gonna steal ur girlfriend

w2woogirls!: Me gonna steal ur girlfriend: How to woo a committed Girl! There are a few things you have to understand and do: - You have occupy a position of a good frien...

What does she really mean by these words?

"I need my space"

Chapter III

To be in a relationship with such a girl is a complicated thing, as they demand a perfect understanding of their problems and a guy they don't want just because he is a perfectly good object to show off. It won’t matter if a guy does very cute stuff or looks like a Greek God or loves her like a mythical hero; she would any-day prefer a normal average looking guy who can just tell her about her problems when she hasn't even revealed them, or could figure out what she is feeling inside or what she's thinking about.
Now, when they haven't met such a guy and are in a relationship; such type of girls demands their space.

The second type, it is pretty obvious that they don't enter into the relationship because of the guys' brains; either (mostly) he is very good-looking or it is out of some non-understandable reason like 'he loved her very much so she couldn't say no', or 'they were very good friends and he forced her into this', and so on.

The thing about majority of girls is that they do take relationships seriously, and hence, compromising becomes a routine and overlooking flaws a habit. She would constantly have problems over his behavior and believe me she will talk about them with her friends, but never with him. She gives herself reasons like he loves me so much. In this case, a girl never uses this statement in front of her boyfriend, but frequently uses it in front of her friends, and most observantly, in front of a selected group of people she considers as smart, and opens herself to. 
Note: It's very simple to join that group of people in her eyes. All you have to do is: 
- Always listen to her, without giving any expression except of curious understanding, as if you are minutely studying something.
- Push deeper into her thoughts (another way of saying: invading into her privacy just by asking more questions picked out from her own sentences, so that it seems like it's a part of a conversation initiated by her only)
They say "I need my space", whenever their relationship with their boyfriends go anywhere away from being two lovable teddy-bears i.e. whenever:
- He reminds her that he is dumb.
- She meets a smart guy, and the comparison makes her realize that he's dumb.
- She reads in some story or novel about some character that pretty much reminds her of the image of an ideal man. 
- He tries to control her life.
In this case, the girl literally becomes self-assured and would never reveal that she has even the slightest of wants or needs to have a man in her life that is capable of telling her what is right or wrong, or correct her decisions, or guide her in any way.

What does she really mean by these words IV

Chapter IV

The third type may be divided into two more subdivisions. The first in this subdivision is the snobbish, arrogant, stubborn, self-obsessed type, generally. This type majorly includes highly pampered girls who have been treated like princesses all their lives. And because of their lavish and materialistic lifestyle, they form conclusions regarding life which are immature, childish, fairy-tale like, and self centered. Why are they overly bold and confident, and authoritative? It is because since childhood, they have mostly received acceptance and hardly been suppressed. And also because of this protection from the harsh truths of life, their fairy tale concepts almost
transform into something they maintain. Things that happen because of this: 

- They form a very materialistic lifestyle that is almost impossible to change.
- Money is never a factor for them; in fact, they are mostly driven into buying their lovers expensive gifts.
- They believe in love very strongly, quite akin to the fairy tales’ love depiction.
- They form their own notions and logics regarding matters of love and life; and often shower their wisdom over friends by advising them. They are highly emotional about their friends, and rebellious to their enemies.
When do they demand their space?

- Whenever the boyfriends have a problem with their materialistic lifestyle.
- Whenever the boyfriends have a problem with her friends.
- Whenever they have a problem with their logics/ attitude. 

Always remember: If you truly love her, then you don’t want to be wandering over these topics. If she hangs out with her friends late in the nights, it’s her lifestyle and friends. But if you are facing a similar problem, then please refer to the chapter 20th century speech. That’s a permanent solution.
The second type in this subdivision is called pseudo- intellectuals. There are majority of girls in the pseudo-intellectual category who become cocky because they have read enough books, or watched many good movies, or score really high in their class, and so on. Their basic attitude is that they are unresponsive towards guidance. They have extracted meanings and views from different writers and books; and reading has given them a confidence and superiority over matters which need a thought. These types of girls are also bold, confident and authoritative by nature. Now, why do they demand space? 

- Whenever a guy tells them that their thoughts are wrong or borrowed.
- Whenever a guy argues over a thought, mocks them, or tries to change the definition of their much valued and held notions and precepts.

What does she really mean by these words?

Chapter I.

“My boyfriend is really cute” (in behavioral context)

She is saying her boyfriend is childish, immature and a cartoon type figure.
Why a cartoon type figure?
Of course he provides her with a lot of laughs; he is very much in love with her, and does extremely cute stuff; but his role in her life in not of a man but of a child. So it implies, and even though she will never admit, but whenever she needs a guiding and a righteous piece of advice, her boyfriend is the last person she goes to. That doesn't mean she doesn't tell him of her problem. He is always there for her support, but never can be a problem solver. A girl never opens her true self in front of him because subconsciously she always knows that he won't understand.
Of course, being amazingly cute does entertain a girl, and doing movie-type of stuff always reminds her of your love.
Always remember: This kind of stuff is not worthless, but it is absolutely not needed. A woman is always bound to be influenced by a figure of a perfect classic man (No doubts there). The true way into a woman's heart is through the deepest corners of her mind; so never even bother to entertain her trying to captivate her heart.
For example: You must have noticed around you very often, - guys send flowers to girls everyday, or he is immediately buying her anything she lays her eyes upon; guys trying to be desperately surprising by planning an entire event and showing to others that they have no life; guys suddenly becoming mythical heroes and fighting anyone who challenges their male instincts in front of a girl, when in private they can't kill a mosquito.
Solution: First of all, all such stuff can be directly replaced by an artistic event. For example: If you buy her a phone, - of course it's going to be an expensive one - it will always remind her of the phone, and not you. Meanwhile, if you create something as small as a letter, it can only and only remind her of you, regardless of how bad you have written. Why?
Because behind a creation there is always an effort; stuff like writing a song, or writing a letter, they all show a personal effort; now the second thing that makes these creations supreme is - you picked up art. Art is a universal weapon for every lover if he can implement it. If you can't write a song, try poetry, if you can't do that, try simple stuff like making her a CD full of her favorite love songs.
Second of all, if you can just give her an insight about her life, it equals a thousand bucks spent on some dress or shoes or a bag or a teddy bear from some gallery. Try to be patient; don't try to buy her out because even though you make her happy by doing all of that, you are never going close to her heart. You are just becoming an amusement or a gift shop rather than being a figure she could respect, or might feel to be the closest person in her life.

What does she really mean by these words?

Chapter II

"I need my space."

This statement is generally said in two contexts - one, when she is speaking in relation to her boyfriend; and second, when you are her boyfriend and she is saying it to you. In the first scenario, when she is saying this in relation to her boyfriend, immediately get his: there are high chances of their break up and her boyfriend won't be the one to initiate it. If you are ever talking to a girl, and even mistakenly hear this statement, just know she is looking for a replacement.
If you tell her this, she may not talk to you, and hate you for mentioning such an impossible event (breaking up with her boyfriend). She will, till her last breath, admit that she is in deep love with her boyfriend; so the question you are supposed to ask her is this - Why do you need space? Or what makes you think he doesn't give you your space?

The point is that you just need to press on to the conversation regarding her certain statement so you can exactly figure out what her situation is! Now there are exactly five types of girl situations when they say 'I need my space’:
- Girls who face a lot of problems; for example: domestic violence, extreme guilt due to past experiences, passing away of a loved one, and similar stuff.
- Girls who are smarter than their boyfriends.
- Girls who are overly bold and confident, and authoritative. (I am not saying smart)
- Girls who have psychological issues. For example - the type of girls whose major life decisions are based on mood swings.
- Girls who are pretentious. (And dumb)

In the first type, the girls facing such similar day-to-day problems get a little serious in life, and prefer an amount of seriousness from people who are close to them too. They relate themselves with people with an understanding of their problems (which they hardly share). Now, such type has another two types. One type of this category is the suicidal types, for example: girls, who cut their wrists, try to commit suicide but never make it, hurt themselves because they like experiencing physical pain. The second type of this category goes into books. They are smarter and hence adopt a creative way to let out their inner feelings. They go into music, or write dark poems, or write stories but always focus on the dark side of mankind, and it is easily noticeable. These both types of girls never fall for the beauty of love, as they are, in their own way, seeking answers, and I am not saying that they won't fall into a relationship; of course they would, but the relationships won't last for long

Friday, January 20, 2012


What does she really mean by these words?

"I need my space"

Chapter III

To be in a relationship with such a girl is a complicated thing, as they demand a perfect understanding of their problems and a guy they don't want just because he is a perfectly good object to show off. It won’t matter if a guy does very cute stuff or looks like a Greek God or loves her like a mythical hero; she would any-day prefer a normal average looking guy who can just tell her about her problems when she hasn't even revealed them, or could figure out what she is feeling inside or what she's thinking about.
Now, when they haven't met such a guy and are in a relationship; such type of girls demands their space.

The second type, it is pretty obvious that they don't enter into the relationship because of the guys' brains; either (mostly) he is very good-looking or it is out of some non-understandable reason like 'he loved her very much so she couldn't say no', or 'they were very good friends and he forced her into this', and so on.

The thing about majority of girls is that they do take relationships seriously, and hence, compromising becomes a routine and overlooking flaws a habit. She would constantly have problems over his behavior and believe me she will talk about them with her friends, but never with him. She gives herself reasons like he loves me so much. In this case, a girl never uses this statement in front of her boyfriend, but frequently uses it in front of her friends, and most observantly, in front of a selected group of people she considers as smart, and opens herself to. 
Note: It's very simple to join that group of people in her eyes. All you have to do is: 
- Always listen to her, without giving any expression except of curious understanding, as if you are minutely studying something.
- Push deeper into her thoughts (another way of saying: invading into her privacy just by asking more questions picked out from her own sentences, so that it seems like it's a part of a conversation initiated by her only)
They say "I need my space", whenever their relationship with their boyfriends go anywhere away from being two lovable teddy-bears i.e. whenever:
- He reminds her that he is dumb.
- She meets a smart guy, and the comparison makes her realize that he's dumb.
- She reads in some story or novel about some character that pretty much reminds her of the image of an ideal man. 
- He tries to control her life.
In this case, the girl literally becomes self-assured and would never reveal that she has even the slightest of wants or needs to have a man in her life that is capable of telling her what is right or wrong, or correct her decisions, or guide her in any way.


What does she really mean by these words IV

Chapter IV

The third type may be divided into two more subdivisions. The first in this subdivision is the snobbish, arrogant, stubborn, self-obsessed type, generally. This type majorly includes highly pampered girls who have been treated like princesses all their lives. And because of their lavish and materialistic lifestyle, they form conclusions regarding life which are immature, childish, fairy-tale like, and self centered. Why are they overly bold and confident, and authoritative? It is because since childhood, they have mostly received acceptance and hardly been suppressed. And also because of this protection from the harsh truths of life, their fairy tale concepts almost
transform into something they maintain. Things that happen because of this: 

- They form a very materialistic lifestyle that is almost impossible to change.
- Money is never a factor for them; in fact, they are mostly driven into buying their lovers expensive gifts.
- They believe in love very strongly, quite akin to the fairy tales’ love depiction.
- They form their own notions and logics regarding matters of love and life; and often shower their wisdom over friends by advising them. They are highly emotional about their friends, and rebellious to their enemies.
When do they demand their space?

- Whenever the boyfriends have a problem with their materialistic lifestyle.
- Whenever the boyfriends have a problem with her friends.
- Whenever they have a problem with their logics/ attitude. 

Always remember: If you truly love her, then you don’t want to be wandering over these topics. If she hangs out with her friends late in the nights, it’s her lifestyle and friends. But if you are facing a similar problem, then please refer to the chapter 20th century speech. That’s a permanent solution.
The second type in this subdivision is called pseudo- intellectuals. There are majority of girls in the pseudo-intellectual category who become cocky because they have read enough books, or watched many good movies, or score really high in their class, and so on. Their basic attitude is that they are unresponsive towards guidance. They have extracted meanings and views from different writers and books; and reading has given them a confidence and superiority over matters which need a thought. These types of girls are also bold, confident and authoritative by nature. Now, why do they demand space? 

- Whenever a guy tells them that their thoughts are wrong or borrowed.
- Whenever a guy argues over a thought, mocks them, or tries to change the definition of their much valued and held notions and precepts.


The fourth type should not be a problem to understand. Such type of girls have random mood swings; at one point they crave for something or someone like it’s the end of the world, and the next moment, if their mood fumbles, they might treat it like garbage or just an ordinary thing. Their need for space totally depends on their mood swings. They would suddenly miss someone so much, or want to be with their boyfriends and taken care of; but it won’t be a surprise if one of such type of girls is out, and is totally ignoring her boyfriend’s calls or messages. Their main intentions are never to ignore or hurt, they are too much driven by their mood swings.

The last type is the type of girls who are pretentious. These types of girls have major personality issues, and have a strong fixation with a word called cool. Their entire lifestyle/ choices/ dressing sense etc changes with the changing definition of cool for them. These are mostly girls who move from small cities to Capitals, Metropolitans, in which the life they believe is happening and cool. They are generally college girls, and very much influenced by the ideas from Sitcoms, of being friends in a group and hanging out, and similar stuff. When do they demand space? Whenever their boyfriends try to control their lives, and are against the concept of cool (unknowingly) or whenever they find that their boyfriend is not cool.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

how to break up with a girl

Many a time, you soon enough realize that this relationship is a bad idea,some time u think " how to break up with a girl that loves you,how to break up with a girl that loves you,i don't love my girlfriend but she loves me,i dont love her anymore,"or this girl has turned out to be something you least expected, and you decide that you have to break-up immediately. But the breaking- up seems really impossible because you cannot just say it to her face. Here are all the ways in which you can cleverly break up with a girl without creating any scene:

1) I want to tell you a secret. I am Bi-sexual.
The timings of pulling this off doesn't really matter, but the way does. You have to be very serious with her, and not at all reveal at any second that you are lying. You tell her - "all this while I loved you like crazy and I want to be with you, but I had this one secret and I can't keep with myself anymore, and you deserve to know." You tell her that throughout the relationship you were also committed with a guy, and you stay with him on weekends. The point is, you tell her to accept your boyfriend and that you love them both.

2) Distance
If you don't meet a girl on regular basis and talk, things slow down at great degree. Tell her that you have to go to another city, for work/ studying/ make anything up. But this doesn't apply to everyone, because if you are in college/ workplace, and you have told her about it. But for those who haven't, just tell her you are out, and you can't pick her calls, or switch your phone off in the night and sleep. Remember: I am not telling you to actually go somewhere. You stay at your own place, but don't meet or talk.

3) You are going abroad.
The next thing? You just got into a University in South Bronx, west Minnesota (make anything up). You can even say Jungles of Amazon or the Lake of Loch. Don't say that we are breaking up, focus on - "we can still work this out. Long distance isn't that hard if we love each other, plus I'll come once in every year."

4) When you are kissing her, close your eyes, and say your ex-girlfriend's name.
Guaranteed 100 % break- up.

5) You can't forgive yourself, last night at a party you got drunk and made a mistake.
Infidelity always plays a genuine role in breaking up, but why can't you fake it? Tell her that you were at this wild party, you got drunk and had sex/ or kissed if kissing is that a big thing for your girl/ (add anything that will get you your freedom). And now you are telling her this as you can't lie to her

6) It's you, it's not me.
If you want to break-up, why do you have throw it on her face? A person never regrets something if he/she has let it out. So don't break-up with her, let her do it with you. Try to think how glorious she'd feel that she was the one who took the bold step - something that had to be done. The point is: there are no regrets. How do you do that?

- Commit mistakes
After a long relationship, or even short one, a guy well-enough knows the small thing she hates, dislikes, et cetera. All you need to do is do all them, figuratively. For example - If she hates when you don't pick her call, let it ring. Once she'll forgive you, twice, but thrice you'll face her wrath, and by god, anything is possible.
If she is against smoking, or is a vegetarian, you pick the cause. Just pick anything that irritates her beyond limits.
- Oppose her thoughts
Now it is very hard to find out if the girl really has ideologies or thoughts, but what I am talking about here could be anything religious to beliefs. For example- If she is a religious person, be opposed to religion (in just her eyes only), and get good points to have a debate about it. If she is an intellectual then you are in for a treat, because then you can many topics.

- Oppose her interests
Most of the girls like dancing, if you want to break-up, tell her to stop it. You can have very good reasons such as History of dancing involving pleasing the Emperors, and it isn't an equal art to Music, Painting or literature. Again, I am not asking you to believe all of this, but since you have to break up, you'll have to have absurd but good points about the argument that you are leading.

- Oppose her friends
This works every time, tell her that "I don't like this very friend of yours", or find a friend of hers who doesn't like you, then say to your girlfriend that you don't want her to be hanging around him/ her anymore (because he/she started it). Note: Try to find a guy-friend of hers to be in tussle with.
You'll start to have sides then, and she would do stuff from time to time that won't be acceptable, or lie to you because she doesn't want to be rude to her friend too. And there, break up!

7) Start forgetting stuff
It doesn't just start with her birthday, a relationship is like manual in which there are limitless guidelines you have to remember and follow. If you do that, she would think:
- You have lost interest in me
- You aren't serious about the relationship anymore.
and similar stuff
But you can always give a plain face, say -'It's nothing like that', 'I am sorry, baby', and continue being disinterested. .