Wednesday, November 16, 2011

How to get your ex-girlfriend back!

The few things you need to find out are:
- If she is single or not.
- If not, then, is she serious about that guy or not.
- Does she still love you or not.
- What is the current state between you two!

Based on the answers of these question, you can ascertain where you stand. It is very easy to get any girl back if she hasn't moved on. It's a little tougher if she has. But it's hell tougher if she has found someone.

The number of ways you can get your ex-girlfriend back are:
- You need one Conversation
This method applies to the recently broken-up couples. But the main problem with recently broken-up couples is that they have just broken up; and break-ups, at the end, somehow result to very similar emotional results
-- The last call was filled with anger, a lot of swearing, and the resultant end is 'You were the biggest mistake of my life', 'The shi* thing is I'll never get this time back', 'You are the dumbest person I know', 'I never knew you were such a jerk', and the noises of phones smashing.
-- The other type of break up is when two people try to sound very mature, and call it a mutual break-up. It mostly happens when either one of them has successfully entered into another relationship due to which passion of the current relationship has steamed down. It's mostly out of the gradual dying of passion, symptoms and reasons are many.
-- The last reason is when you leave someone without the break-up talk. In other words, running away.
What is the method?
This method applies to the above-mentioned first two cases. Most people think that mutual break-ups solve many things, but that isn't true. A break up is always a break up, and the effects are absolutely similar. The only difference is that there are no phone-smashing, profanity-exchanging, angry fights. Why do you think the saying It's hard to be friends with ex-es is true!
What you need in this method is one conversation, and when you get it, the only thing that you need to show is you are normal and happy. This is the exact something an ex doesn't expect from you after you have recently broken up, because to her, the break-up has been very tough. It's psychological, but the connection between you two is still very strong. She expects you to be sad and hurt. For example- while talking if she mentions that she, now, has a boyfriend; you'd be pretty much taken aback because you haven't even recovered, even though it doesn't matter as you have broken up. And this is the same trick.
What you do?
Before the call, just think of the first day you talked to her or any girl you have ever wooed. Remember how fresh you were, how enthusiastic, your sense of humor, and everything your voice presented to her that made her talk to you again. What you have to do is get that day back again. Learn one fact:
- She wants to see you sad and hurt, even though she won't show it. If you just play with this little fact in her head, you have a 5 year old, confused and lost little baby, you need to take back to the home team.

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