Sunday, November 20, 2011

the emotions

Step I - Target her emotions

Guy: Can I tell you something? Honestly?
(when you put the word 'honestly' anywhere in your grumbling, it translates from complaint to confession. So be polite and use 'Honestly')
Girl: Sure/ yeah?
Guy: I feel so ashamed of saying this, I mean I am so sorry. I don't even know how to say this!
(Put the blame on yourself, as if you are damaged so that she feels it as her responsibility to fix you)

Girl: What is it/ Just say it / What has happened?
Guy: It's not about me. it's about you. Lately I have started to feel so angry and jealous of ______ (guy's name). And I know it's stupid and wrong but I am not complaining, I am just pouring my heart out in front of you, because I don't want to keep it inside of me, and I can't live without you.
Girl: (she will try to explain) Listen it's nothing/ we are just friends/ blah blah!
Guy: I know all of this, like I said I am not complaining. I know I am being so narrow- minded by saying all of this. It's so embarrassing, but I am only speaking the truth. I hate myself, I am so uncool. You know, I get so jealous sometimes that I just want to break his head. I can't believe I am so possessive of you, I am so sorry. I am so uncool!
(emphasize on two things excessively: being uncool & jealous/ possessive. And soon you'll notice she will find you being so possessive extremely cute & romantic; and correct you that you are not uncool.)
Girl: No you are not. Shut-up! And I love it that you are possessive of me, you should be!
(Keep going on with the being uncool and 'I hate myself' thing for a little while longer. By this time she'd have totally forgotten her 'self' and would be completely devoted to make you fine)

Step II - She is hell emotional and romantic now. Get your guns out! (nah! not that)

(if you'd notice, the girl has accepted your being possessive/ jealous about her friend, which she would have angrily responded to had you talked to her in a complaining or an angry tone)

Guy: Can I ask you for something, If you don't mind?
Girl: Sure, anything.
Guy: I don't know how to say this, but can you please don't talk to him that much?
(adding that much is very important, as girls are not good at ignoring people, they either are very good friends, or in the effort to be moderate friends, screw it up. If you say Please don't talk to him, It might sound unpleasant to the girl as girls are very bad at ending friendships and don't generally do that. So stick to adding that much for sure)
Baby, I know it's stupid, and I am being totally selfish by saying this, but I have to be. I can't concentrate on my work, which will eventually lead to us being together (show her a future, that will make her emotionally inclined towards you), but if I don't work, my state of mind is gone. And in this confusion I don't ever want to blame you or be angry with you, I hope you understand. I don't ever want us to fight because of some third person (alienate him, and from now on, use us instead of me). Please baby, can you do this, for us? Please?

By the time you have pulled off the 21st century speech, you can have a girl do anything you want. This particular script was for removing a possible guy threat.

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